Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hi Jolly

In 1856, Jefferson Davis, later the President of the Confederacy, had 33 camels brought to Arizona, as an experiment for transport in the arid west. Forty-one camels were later brought out to Arizona. With the first camels came a caretaker with the Arab name of Haiji Ali, quickly renamed to "Hi Jolly". Although the experiment proved its worth on an expedition in 1857, the Army disbanded the experiment and left the camels to roam the desert. Hi Jolly stayed in Arizona after the experiment and died in Quartzsite in 1902.

Several legends go with this monument. The first says the camel on top symbolizes the "Red Ghost" that roamed the desert, terrorizing man and beast with what amounted to a corpse tied to his back. The second has the ashes of Topsy, Hi Jolly's favorite camel and companion placed in the bronze time capsule.

People can find a use for everything. Here is a camel made from wheels.

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