Our explorations this day took us to New Iberia. Although I had been in the town numerous times and visited the rice factory and taken their tour (click
here to read about Konriko Rice Co), I had never really stopped to visit this town.
Our first stop was something to eat and according to one of the brochures about New Iberia, this was a favorite local lunch spot. Needless to say, when we arrived, we wondered if we had the wrong address. But yes, this was Lepicerie Theriot La Boucherie. |
They were advertised to have daily plate specials. |
Even from the front we weren't sure it was open.
But inside, it was warm and inviting and yes, the food was wonderful. You could get their plate lunch specials or have a poboy. Most of us took some home as well because the portions were so large. Good, down home, Cajun food.
This was located across the street. I just love the old homes in this area. |
This is what is left of the old Steamboat Warehouse, located downtown. |
This is behind the Steamboat Warehouse. They have turned it into the Clara Roy Pavilion, where they hold music events and other civic events.
Notice that the street sign is in English, Spanish and French. New Iberia was founded in 1779 when 500 Spanish colonists arrived. Later, the Cajun French arrived nearby in St. Martinsville (see my blog on St. Martinsville here). The American's opened a post office in 1814, following the Louisiana Purchase. |
You can see the distinct architectural styles all along main street.
This is called Church Alley. When Frederic Henri Duperier was leader in New Iberia in 1839, he donated land for St. Peter's Catholic Church. He asked that this alley be kept open for his family to walk from their home, down near the Bayou Teche, to church. It still exists today. |
St. Peter's Catholic Church. Both the Spanish and the French produced a heavy influence of Catholicism in this area.
Shadows-On-The-Teche, a plantation home, built for David Weeks, dating from 1831. Today tourists can visit and see what it was like to live in that era. |
The Weeks House, a private residence. I wonder if this family is related to the Weeks family which built Shadows-On-The-Teche? |
La Maison du Teche Bed and Breakfast, circa 1892. |
1 comment:
Church Alley has been cleaned up and much more welcoming. Lights strung overhead benches for seating and there is a coffee shop.
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