Some of the other things we did.
They are required to take the most direct route to the fallen bird, swimming across the water if necessary. |
Returning with the bird. |
It was quite interesting watching the dogs work. They are so smart. I just wish I could train Fancy to obey that well. (ha, ha)
Another event which happened on Sunday morning was a fly-in. Wanting to see what this was all about, plus I wanted to take part in the Huckleberry Pancake breakfast, I headed to the small airfield on the edge of town.
The owner of this plane was offering rides for only $25 for 15 minutes. Yes, I signed up. |
Looking down on one of the many reservoirs in the area. |
Gazing over the checkerboard fields. |
Here are the Upper Mission Falls where I went hiking the other day. Of course, it was over all too soon, but what fun while it lasted. |
Wow! A plane ride for $25 - that was a deal.