Cheyenne Frontier Days is an outdoor rodeo which has been held annual since 1897. It was the first rodeo in which women were allowed to participate, occurring in 1903. It is the largest outdoor rodeo of its kind, attracting around 200,000 people In addition to the daily rodeos, there are big name entertainers nightly, several parades, several pancake breakfasts, AF Thunderbird show and open house at Francis E. Warren AFB, Frontier Park, an Indian Village and of course, a carnival. Plus, there are local bands and activities located throughout the city.
Downtown is the old train depot. Here is where the pancake breakfasts where held, vendors set up shop and local artists performed under the tent. |
Around town there are large painted statues of cowboy boots. Each one is unique and has its own story. |
The group was parked 2 miles from downtown at the VFW. |
It was right next to their new bike trail, making it easy to bike into the activities. |
The free pancake breakfast was held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We attended both Monday and Wednesday. This year the Wednesday attendance broke records at over 16,897 people served pancakes, ham, coffee and milk. |
The Kiwanas Club sponsors the breakfast, using the boy scouts to help serve. The pancakes are prepared and flipped out to the scouts, who are holding pans to catch the pancakes. |
I think this says it all. |
Several blocks north of the depot is the state capitol. During business hours it is open to the public for self or guided tours. |
Esther Hobart Morris was instrumental in getting the legislation passed, making Wyoming the first government in the world granting women's rights in 1869. |
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