Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sorrento, Italy

First view of Mt. Vesuvius, on the way to Sorrento.

The view from the rooftop terrace outside our hotel door.

The view of the main drag through Sorrento from the dining room of the hotel.

Looking down at the Bay of Naples from Sorrento.

To get to the beach from town you have to walk all the way down if you don't have a car.

It was down the stairs and then down more stairs, I think you get the picture.

But finally, the water of the Mediterranean.

Max at the Sorrento Men's Club.

The Sorrento Men's Club is where men and only men gather daily to gossip and play chess under this 16th century dome.

One of the streets where we had dinner at an outside table. Notice the street is barely wide enough for pedestrians. This is part of the original townsite. 
Sorrento was a Greek community before being ruled by the Romans. Legend says the grandson of Ulysses and Circe founded Sorrento about 700 B.C. Although none of the original buildings still exist, the street layout follows that of the original designer.

But some of the old walls which surrounded this partially walled city do still exist.

On top of the old walls under the Sorrento Moon. Sorrento was one of my favorite spots.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful trip. I'm so impressed at your free spirited attitude toward lodging reservations. Looking forward to more posts. LG
