Wednesday, August 25, 2010


This past few weeks has been a roller coaster and it hasn't stopped yet. For those who are on Facebook, you probably know what has been going on, but here it is again anyway. After arriving in Oklahoma, I made arrangements to move my parents into a wonderful, new nursing center, Tuscany Village. In preparation, I arranged a u-haul to move their furniture (yes they could take some of their own furniture to the nursing home), and other stuff, some to the nursing home, the rest to storage. Most of what was in the house though will be sold in a living estate sale as soon as I can get it ready. My son was out of work, so I hired him to paint the house, make the move and otherwise clean up the place and ready it for putting it on the housing market.

While this was going on there was a wonderful Saturday when I had 6 of my 7 grandkids together. What fun. Three of them stayed for several days and got to go swimming at the lake and drive around on the golf cart.

But tragedy struck suddenly when during the moving process my dad fell and hours later slipped into a coma like state. From the hospital he did move into the nursing center, but unfortunately he never knew it and died 3 days later, on my birthday, no less. So the next week was spent making arrangements and by the end of the week my mother was not feeling so good. I just thought it was the grieving process and didn't give it much notice, but on the day of my dad's memorial she collapsed and had to be medivaced from the Eufaula Emergency Hospital to St. Francis Trauma Center in Tulsa. We truly did not know if she was going to make it or not, but she did pull through and should be released from the hospital next Monday.

I'm still trying to get the house ready to sell, trying to sell her car and an old semi-trailer in the backyard which my dad had used as a workshop. She has left everything to me and I did not realize it could be so much work. Now I am trying to get loose ends tied up before I leave for Europe in two weeks.

Fancy, my terrior which has been living with my parents for the past year and a half, isn't quite sure what is going on. Just as she come back to live with me, then my mother falls ill and she gets carted off to another family member until I return to Oklahoma City. So many things going on all at the same time.

But thankfully my mother is recovering quite well (she really is a strong woman) and I keep praying things will get back to a somewhat normal routine soon.

1 comment:

  1. Not only do I rarely remember to look at Facebook, but I'm even behind on reading blogs. I'm so sorry to hear about your father, Judy. I can't imagine what you're going through - coping with your grief and helping your mother. I'm glad to hear she's doing better. I hope she continues to improve.
