Friday, September 11, 2009

Port Gibson, MS area

On the way to Port Gibson we passed Alcorn State University. Driving through the campus we stopped to take pictures of one of the original buildings and to gain a glimpse of its history.

Oakland College was founded in 1930 by Jeremiah Chamberlain. By 1860 it was already seeing decline, but it closed in 1861 due to the Civil War. It reopened in 1871 by the state as Alcorn College for the purpose of educating the many blacks, now freed from slavery. It was named after Mississippi's 28th governor.

Bethel Church was organized in 1826, although this building was completed in the 1840s. This church also was founded by Jeremiah Chamberlain.

Chamberlain-Hunt Academy. Founded in 1879, again by Jeremiah Chamberlain, as a boys prep school, it is still in operation today as a Christian Military Academy, one of only 3 left in the U.S.

This is an old stove. See the two burners on each side with the oven in between? This was a display at Grand Gulf Military Park.

 Grand Gulf, MS, was once a thriving port town. It consisted of about 60 waterfront blocks, several hospitals, many churches and lots of businesses to support the cotton being transported down the river. But by the 1860s yellow fever had claimed many of the prominent town leaders, then the flooding of the Mississippi River destroyed over 55 blocks of waterfront stores and businesses. The town never recovered and now all that is left is a few ruins. But it was an important site during the Civil War. The Confederates could keep control of the river, but they abandoned the site when Grant attacked on his way to Vicksburg.

This old submarine was used to transport whiskey during prohibition. I would not have wanted to take my chances in this small craft.

Now the homes around Grand Gulf are built on top of stilts. Many are simply trailer homes up on a platform. I assume they have boats somewhere for when the water floods.

Kudzu is an exotic plant which has taken over the south. It literally grows over any and everything it encounters including bushes, trees and even buildings.

Windsor Ruins is located about 1 mile from the river. It was finished in 1861. Near here Grant brought across over 10000 troops on his way to Vicksburg. They camped around the plantation on their march. The plantation burned in 1890, leaving only the columns.

1 comment:

  1. Good idea putting the mobile on a platform. Probably helps with the bugs and snakes and other critters, too.
