Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fremont Experience and Red Rock Canyon

Our last day we went hiking at Red Rock Canyon, a National Recreation Area south of Las Vegas. One of the hikes we took was to La Madre Spring. It is one of a very few year round springs in this area, so of course, lots of wildlife come here. Although we didn't see anything but a large tarantula, I'm sure there are more wildlife than this who come drink from this spring.

Here I am cooling my feet.

And of course there were red rocks to climb. Here I am climbing to the top of this hill.

One night while at Boulder Beach a group of us went into Downtown Las Vegas, to Fremont Street for the Fremont Experience. I suggest if you have a chance, ditch the strip and try Fremont St. the next time you are in Vegas. It boasts the largest TV screen in the world. For 2 blocks, Fremont St. is covered over by a large TV screen, which at night they light up for the Fremont Experience. Every hour they show a short 15 minute film on this huge canopy above the street. I know this picture doesn't do it justice, but it was an experience. I forgot my camera, so this was taken with my cell phone.
They also have bands and a sax player, and even motorcyclists riding their bikes around in a small cage. A combination street carnival and gambling all in one. But we did have a great prime rib dinner for only $7.95.

Someone wanted to see a picture of the tarantula. So here it is!