JUNE 2014. After 6 years of blogging, I guess I just needed a break. It's been 6 months since my last blog. But lately, I remembered these blogs are really for me, a journal of my travels, so I think I'm ready again to pick up where I last left off.
After my grandson's graduation from high school, I found myself back in Oklahoma City, visiting with my grandkids. |
I always love taking the grandkids to the zoo. It's my excuse for continuing to visit the zoo everytime I can.
My adopted granddaughters. We met at the Oklahoma Science Museum for a day of exploration and fun. |
The girls even got their picture taken with their favorite weatherman. |
Back in Tahlequah, OK, I parked my RV out on my son's 40 acres. |
I was surrounded by wild blackberries. |
I picked this is just 10 minutes. Many of the berries went to waste because they couldn't be reached. My son cut down all the bushes this past fall and will start training them and replanting them when they come up next spring. He thinks it might be a great opportunity for a blackberry farm. |
This isn't a garage. It's Fish's BBQ. If you don't know where it's at, you won't find it. No signs, no indications it is anything but a garage, but inside, it has the best BBQ around. Max and I had dinner with my son and his family the night before we left for the summer. |
A day of exploring took us to Ft. Gipson. This is a reconstruction of the original fort, which was built in 1824 by the Army Infantry. |
After numerous floods and rebuilding of the fort, the Army wisened up in 1845 and rebuilt the fort out of stone up on top of the hill. This was the officers quarters and admin. |
This was part of the old kitchen and bakery for the fort. They still use the bakery in demonstrations several times a year. |
I thought this was interesting. Here, Oklahoma was Indian Territory and the first land run was yet to be, but they had telephones in the Cherokee Nation.